Question T10062
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SurveyModel events not fired on Simulator tab

created 3 years ago


We would like to use SurveyModel events and to make them apply in the Simulator tab on the Survey Creator, events like "onAfterRenderQuestionInput". Is there a way for a Survey Model to call events in the Simulator tab of the Creator ?

Thank you.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 3 years ago


In order to access survey model used in "Preview" tab you need to subscribe the event.

creator.onSurveyInstanceCreated.add(function(sender, options) { if(options.reason == "test") { var testTabSurvey = options.survey; // subscribe testTabSurvey events here } });

Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team

    Other Answers

    created 3 years ago

    Indeed, we were working on the SurveyModel inside the creator.

    Thank you for the answer.

      Comments (1)

        In this case please use the approach provided by Serge. You can review the following example.

        Thank you,
        SurveyJS Team
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