Question T11299
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Out of memory error when scrolling in translations tab

created 2 years ago (modified 2 years ago)


We have problem maintaining translations of our survey in creator. Survey has quite many translated items since we have one dropdown element with lots of options. The problem is that when scrolling through translations few times Chrome crashed with out of memory error. In our implementation (react) this happens even faster but I can also reproduce the error in page.

Survey JSON we use is attached to this ticked with screen shot of how it looks after scrolling translations tab through few times.

Could you check what goes wrong in here and if there is some kind of solution to the issue.

We have paid creator license, it is purchased by Helena Kainulainen.

Jarno Puttonen
Software developer
Suomen Asiakastieto Oy

Comments (1)

    Hello Jarno,
    Thank you for sharing the survey JSON. I forwarded the issue to the team for further research:
    Please subscribe to that thread for further information.

    Answers approved by surveyjs Support

    created 2 years ago


    I've fixed this issue via a set of commits in library and creator-core repositories. Fixes will be available in the nearest minor update next tuesday.
    Please check it on your side and tell us whether it fixed for you.

    Thanks, Serge
    SurveyJS Team

      Comments (3)
      JP JP
      Jarno Puttonen 2 years ago

        Thanks, this fix seems to have solved our issue.

        Translations tab renders still bit slow when having lots of terms but now we are able to maintain our surveys.


          Hello Jarno,
          I have tried your example and I made logo property invisible. I could agree that translation tab is slow.
          We will play with it and try to optimize the performance.
          We will be back to you.

          Thank you,
          SurveyJS Team

            For the record: we will post updates regarding this issue at