Question T12036
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Theme colors - How To?

created 2 years ago

Hi, Support Team!

I was trying to follow your example here: to change some text colors, button colors, etc, but to no avail. Theme = modern.

What did I do wrong?

My survey.js file looks something like this (called from Blazor ):

Survey.StylesManager.applyTheme("modern"); var defaultThemeColors = Survey.StylesManager.ThemeColors["modern"]; defaultThemeColors["$main-color"] = "#92C14D"; defaultThemeColors["$main-hover-color"] = "#92C14D"; defaultThemeColors["$text-color"] = "#92C14D"; defaultThemeColors["$header-color"] = "#92C14D"; defaultThemeColors["$header-background-color"] = "#4a4a4a"; defaultThemeColors["$body-container-background-color"] = "#f8f8f8"; Survey.StylesManager.applyTheme(); let patientSurvey = new Survey.Model(); export function setIsDoctorValue(isDoctor) { patientSurvey.getQuestionByName("IsDoctor").value = isDoctor; }; export function setPatientName(PatientName) { patientSurvey.description = "Patient Name: " + PatientName; }; export function setSurveyJsonData(JsonData, SurveyResult, objRef) { patientSurvey = new Survey.Model(JsonData); = JSON.parse(SurveyResult); $("#surveyElement").Survey({ model: patientSurvey }); patientSurvey.onComplete.add(function (sender) { objRef.invokeMethodAsync('SendJsonSurveyResult', JSON.stringify(, null, 3)); document.querySelector('#surveyResult').textContent = "You will be redirected to your submissions page in 4 seconds..."; }); }; patientSurvey.onComplete.add(function (sender) { DotNet.invokeMethodAsync('MHU.Blazor.Public', 'SendJsonSurveyResult', JSON.stringify(, null, 3)); });

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

Hello Catalin,
If you're using the latest Form Library version, you can override theme colors using SCSS variables, as shown in the following demo: Theme Customization.

#surveyElement { --main-color: #92c14d; --main-hover-color: #92c14d; --text-color: #92c14d; --header-color: #92c14d; --header-background-color: #4a4a4a; --body-container-background-color: #f8f8f8; }

Also note that if you apply a single theme to your application, no need to call the applyTheme function. For more information, refer to Form Library: Themes & Styles.

Let me know if you have any questions or require further assistance.

    Show previous comments (3)

      Hello Catalin,
      I would suggest that you check to make sure that you use the proper survey HTML container name as a CSS selector. You may additionally need to reload your page with Ctrl+F5 to see the applied changes.

      I attached a sample Blazor app for your reference. Please review index.html. I registered CSS variables for the #surveyElement in the <head>...<style>... section.

      <div id="surveyElement"></div>

      Hope it helps. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require further assistance.

        it worked, but only after I added --primary: #92c14d;

        Thank you so much!

        I will take advantage of this open thread to ask fast another curiosity:

        I have a date in the form of:

        var date = new Date(model.PatientBirthDate); var localDateString = date.toLocaleDateString('en-US', { year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit' });

        So I would get something like "mm/dd/yyyy".

        I have a datepicker in the survey, who asks for this specific date format, to which I am assigning the date value like this:

        patientSurvey.getQuestionByName("birthDate").value = localDateString;

        Where birthDate is the name of the question in the survey.

        But the date won't get assigned to the datepicker.

        Any tips would help.

          Thank you for the update. It's better not to mix multiple questions in one thread.
          I created a separate ticket on your behalf: T12049: Specify the default DatePicker date. We placed it in our processing queue and will process it shortly.