Question T15476
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File Upload - Display Multiline Errors

created a year ago (modified a year ago)

[Ticket cloned from T15217: Add error message on the file preview]

Ok thank you Jane.
What about displaying multiline error ?

Comments (3)

    Hello Mohamed,
    Would you please elaborate on your question? Do you wish to display an error which may take multiple lines of text? Could you share an illustration?

      Hi Jane,
      Say that I try to upload at once two invalid files 'a.exe' and 'b.txt' I want to display this error :
      Uploading 'a.exe' failed. reason : Type not allowed.
      Uploading 'b.txt' failed. Reason : Empty file.

        Thank you for the clarification, Mohamed. I discussed this usage scenario with our developers. We will consider enhancing the survey.onUploadFiles API to handle this task. Please stay tuned to our updates with this task:
