Question T17351
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How to get current question in a survey

created a year ago

I have several pages in the survey, inside each page I have several questions.
At the same time, I have the property "questionsOnPageMode" set on "questionPerPage".
When I first load the survey, if the user has a response saved in the database, I load it so it starts in the last answered question.
Is there a way I can programmatically get the current question?
I tried "" but it gets the actual page name and not the current question name.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created a year ago

Hello Leticia,
You can implement the survey.onValueChanged event and get the last changed question using the options.question property.

To activate a survey starting with a specific question, use the survey.focusQuestion function.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.