Question T1923
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Survey vue boiler plate not loading Json Object Properly

created 6 years ago

I've attached a json object ("jsonObj.json"), which should look like image attached ("expect.png").
When we check the give object on Survey Builder i.e. "SurveyEditor" component in Survey-vue boiler plate, it shows up exactly how I want, but if we take same object and check on "Survey" component given in Survey-Vuejs boilerplate, it looks like image attached ("unexpected.png").

Thank You,

Comments (2)


    Did you apply any additional modifications or I can reproduce the issue in the repo?

    Thanks, Serge
    SurveyJS Team

    RK RK
    Richard Koloski 6 years ago

      Hello Serge,
      I haven't applied any modifications, you can reproduce the same issue here, just change the json object with the json object given by me.

      Thank You,

      Answers approved by surveyjs Support

      created 6 years ago


      Thank you for the report. It was a bug in survey-vue - "survey-vue doesn't respect the startWithNewLine attribute".
      I've fixed the issue. Fix will be available in the nearest update, most likely today.

      Thanks, Serge
      SurveyJS Team

        Show previous comments (1)

          Hello Richard,

          The fix had been released yesterday in v1.0.82.

          Thanks, Serge
          SurveyJS Team

          RK RK
          Richard Koloski 6 years ago

            Hello Serge,
            Can you share a link containing files to be changed and name of files , so that the fix will run on my side.

            Thank You,

              Hello Richard,

              Fix was done by this commit.
              Do you use npm install or get files from our cdn or just build library from our sources?

              Thank you,
              SurveyJS Team