Question T21747
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Issue with Text field with mask type Pattern

created a month ago

We currently have a text input field that needs a 4-digit pattern. We've set it up so that the border turns red when the field is required and empty. However, if the pattern is "99-99," the hyphen counts as a value, so the border doesn't turn red even if no digits are entered. Also, we can't add an event listener to input fields with a pattern mask; it only works with other types of masks.

below are the examples
In this example, since there is no value, the border is red. This is a normal input box without any mask.

In this example, we've used an input box with the pattern "99-99."


In the first example, since there is no value, the border is red. In the second example, it doesn’t have any value, yet it shows a grey border, which indicates that we already have some value. Is there a way to not treat the pattern as a value?

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    Hi Jane,
    Thank you for your response.
    As you correctly pointed out, our end goal is to highlight empty fields by changing their border to red. However, we are encountering two problems while implementing this solution:

    Problem 1: The inputElement.value returns the placeholder for pattern fields. Although calling survey.validate() explicitly shows "Response Required" above the input box, we are unable to utilize this to highlight the border in red.
    when used survey.validate()
    Trying to achieve this

    Problem 2: We cannot add an event listener for the "input" event on fields with patterns. We are trying to attach an addEventListener to the input event for these fields, but it does not seem to work.

    Called from the updateLabelAndInputState method like this:


    and handled like this

      Hi Rita,
      Thank you for the update. You can render a red border for required fields by applying the following CSS:

      .sd-input--error { border: 1px solid red; background-color: unset; }

      View Demo
      The red border will be removed once a user fixes validation errors.

      Problem 2: We cannot add an event listener for the "input" event on fields with patterns. We are trying to attach an addEventListener to the input event for these fields, but it does not seem to work.

      Correct. When an input field has a mask applied, it controls the input events. If you wish to listen to input events, you can disable the masked input and use the survey.onAfterRenderQuestionInput function to add the input event listener.

      survey.onAfterRenderQuestionInput.add((sender, options) => { const question = options.question; options.htmlElement.addEventListener("input", (event) => { const inputValue =; console.log( "Question: " + + "; Input changed:", inputValue ); }); });

      To ensure that the value entered matched the specified pattern, enable form validation.

      I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have further questions.

        For the record: the following demo shows how to implement floating labels using Bootstrap: View CodeSandbox.

        I hope this demo will be of help.