Question T2853
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Batch export PDF

created 5 years ago

Is it possible to use survey-pdf to batch export results to separate PDF's per result?

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 5 years ago


Could you explain more in detail what does it mean export per result? You may export PDF as many times as you want with different surveys and result data. Here is example of export survey with data to PDF

Thanks, Alex
SurveyJS Team

    Show previous comments (2)


      It's not typical task to save hundreds files on client side, more suitable scenario is use server for this, Node.js for example. SurveyPDF library depends on jsPDF package, so here is some information about how to run jsPDF on Node.js. At this moment there some limitations in SurveyPDF on Node.js we found: no support of HTML question, imagepicker (seems no support file question with image data) and only 'helvetica' font support (only English that way). Please feel free to contact us in case of any further questions

      Thanks, Alex
      SurveyJS Team

        Even we need this implemented at our end. Let us know if we can fix this or take this on priority. This will be a good feature with less amount of work.

        ref :


          Unfortunately, we don't quite understand you. Could you, please, describe your message more in detail or explain via other words?

          Thanks, Alex
          SurveyJS Team