Question T2992
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survey creator issue in adding radio button

created 5 years ago

i am using survey creator in angular 4
i was having issues with knockout i tried to solve it by downgrading the knockout version to 3.4.2 instead of 3.5.0
all the types of question is working fine except radiobutton it show an error
but it is added to the json editor so i want to know why this get out an error

the 2nd issue is that view survey tab is always empty even if show invisible elements is selected
the view survey was working in the knockout 3.5.0 version but now after the downgrade not working

Comments (3)


    I can't reproduce the issue on our site -
    What version of SurveyJS Creator are you using? The behavior you described was fixed in one of the previous versions. The latest one is the 1.1.21.

    Thanks, Serge
    SurveyJS Team

      i have survey creator v1.1.21
      survey knockout version 1.1.21
      knockout version 3.4.2
      since knockout version 3.5.0 make
      these error "node_modules/knockout/build/types/knockout.d.ts (333,37): Cannot find name 'P'.
      knockout/build/types/knockout.d.ts (333,42): Cannot find name 'keyof'.
      when i downgrade to 3.4.2 the survey creator is working fine but the view survey and the radio button question have the issues i told you


        The information you've provided doesn't contain steps to reproduce the issue on our side. We can't give you any advices while we haven't reproduce the issue on our side.
        Thank you for the understanding.

        Thanks, Serge
        SurveyJS Team