Question T3896
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Memory issue on IE11

created 5 years ago

I have to render Survey multiple times without refresh the page and,
I found that memory consumption keep increasing when Survey are created.

Is there any function like destroy() to reclaim memory ?

Show previous comments (2)

    Could you please attach your JavaScript code and JSON. The JSON that you gave us, could not help us a lot to reproduce the issue.

    Thank you,
    SurveyJS Team

      I attached the html. Please try hitting delete and create button and see the memory in task manager.

        Thank you for the provided sample. I've reproduced the issue. We've started to work on it. I'll updated this thread as soon as we'll get any results.

        SurveyJS Team

        Answers approved by surveyjs Support

        created 5 years ago


        I've fixed the issue via the commit. Fix will be available in the nearest update.

        Instead of

        function cancelChecklist() { SURVEY_INSTANCE.doComplete(); SURVEY_INSTANCE = null; jQuery("#surveyElement").html(""); }

        You need to use the following code:

        function cancelChecklist() { SURVEY_INSTANCE.doComplete(); SURVEY_INSTANCE.dispose(); SURVEY_INSTANCE = null; }

        Thanks, Serge
        SurveyJS Team

          Comments (3)

            Thanks for your quick fix and response.
            Can you tell me when is your next release date?

              We are going to release v1.7.4 tomorrow or after tomorrow.

              Thank you,
              SurveyJS Team

                Thank you.