[Ticket cloned from T5424: Analytics | Angular | Register visualizer as "SelectBasePlotly" for rating type question]
Hello Serge,
The text
type question render as expected but the following behaviors are not reflect though I have already configured in options
TypeScript1) answersOrder: 'desc',
2) showPercentages: true,
3) allowTopNAnswers: true
// Sample Code
let options = {
labelTruncateLength: 27,
allowTopNAnswers: true,
hideEmptyAnswers: true,
answersOrder: 'desc',
showPercentages: true
const visPanel = new SurveyAnalytics.VisualizationPanel(allQuestions, data, options);
Is your question related to the custom "text as chart" visualizer or to some other visualizer(s)?
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
Hello Serge,
Yes. It is custom 'text as chart' as per this https://surveyjs.io/Examples/Analytics?id=text-chart&platform=Angular2#content-js example.
(SurveyAnalytics.VisualizationManager as any).registerVisualizer('text', CustomVisualizer); SurveyAnalytics.localization.locales['en']['visualizer_textChartVisualizer'] = 'Text as Chart';