Hi Team,
I noticed that localization for choice item in translation tab is not supporting.
and I also did not find any entry in resource file for this.
I debug the code and found that value for p.item1 key is returned from getString method after splitting which is item1.
can you please confirm.
I have made code change on my end to extract item1 from key p.item1.
But I did not get why localization is need for these choice in translation since we can use choice string as it is e.g Item1, Item2 etc.
I also noticed that name is appended in loc key.
Hello Nitin,
We do support localization in item values. The problem that you have hide "text" property which supports localization. value that you edit, do not support localization.
Our idea under item value and text is the following:
You do not change the item.value for multiple languages, thus you can use the same value in expressions. You are changing the text for different languages, so the value presentation is different.
It is the same story as question name and title. name is not localizable and title is. We are using name in all expressions, but show title for end-users.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team