Question T5955
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Survey-creator: Category html customization

created 4 years ago

Hello Team, we would like to add help icon on each property tab. I couldn't find any callback where I can modify html. Could you please help us?

Comments (3)


    Unfortunately there are no events or options to perform such customizations.
    You can search over the DOM to find toolbox and toolbox items by tag name or CSS class names to access toolbox markup.

    Thanks, Serge
    SurveyJS Team

      but timing is a problem no? Atleast is there a way to find when i can do that?


        You can do it after "surveyCreator.render()" function call.
        If it willn't work you can call the


        method to force KnockoutJS to render all tasks immediately.

        Thanks, Serge
        SurveyJS Team