In order to fix another issue - that comments that run off the page will be cut off - we converted those questions to HTML Question types on the PDF export.
Now though, we have a new issue. If the answer to HTML questions reaches the last few lines of the page, the next page's content overlaps the previous page.
Attached is an example.
Changing text sizes lessened the issue, but didn't stop it from happening completely. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Could you, please, share us a live sample with the issue? So we can investigate it
Thanks, Alex
SurveyJS Team
Hey Alex,
We had a dev put together a live sample of the issue.
The behavior we are seeing in this PDF still has the overlapping questions issues (which we have fixed on our side with a sort of workaround by adding a new page character to the end of the text).
When we fixed the issue by putting a new page character, the overlap is fixed, but the page numbering no longer works.
Thanks for any help you can provide,
Axel Stenson