[Ticket cloned from T4192: How do I call the function of remove question button on the surveyj, what is the function call?]
how to add json to the new page as a question dynamically?
On 6/15/2020 8:51 AM, Andrew Telnov [surveyjs Support] wrote:
[Ticket cloned from T4192: How do I call the function of remove question button on the surveyj, what is the function call?]
how to add json to the new page as a question dynamically?
On 6/15/2020 8:51 AM, Andrew Telnov [surveyjs Support] wrote:
Here is the updated plunker - https://plnkr.co/edit/8Im7xKLarnnQgwlU
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
It would be of great help if you provide us with a live sample illustrating the issue.
You can use the above plunker as a starting point.
You are asking questions about the SurveyJS Creator which is under the commercial license. Could you write us from the e-mail linked to your license in order to recognize you as a valid customer?
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
how to display other property on top ?
On 6/15/2020 8:42 PM, Serge T [surveyjs Support] wrote:
I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (T4457: How to display other property on top?). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
Sorry, but your question is unclear for me. Please explain what do you want to achieve in greater details.
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
I would like to create a json as question and append the json to the new page
Example : let json = {"type" : "test","name" : "question1"};
var u = this.surveyCreator.survey.addNewPage("pages1");
my problem, I am facing, it's not appending to the new page
On 6/15/2020 12:22 PM, Serge T [surveyjs Support] wrote:
Yes, you are right. The code is not as simple as I believed:
creator.addPage(); var page = creator.survey.pages[creator.survey.pages.length - 1]; var question = page.addNewQuestion("text", "question1"); creator.selectedElement = question;
It will be easy from the next minor version, related to this GitHub Issue.
Here is the working example.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
What I wanna achieving is, I have created many pages with question on each page, I would like to retrieve all the pages that I have created so that I can edit them. I am not seeing any page
On 6/15/2020 2:23 PM, Andrew Telnov [surveyjs Support] wrote:
this is my json I wanna to add it into surveyjs but it's not working
"pages": [
"name": "page1"
"name":""page1",'elements':[{"type":"parentdetails","name":"question1","Ranking":1,"0":"QuestionID = 1","1":"QuestionNumber = 1",'QuestionID':1}]"
"name":""page2",'elements':[{"type":"siblingdetails","name":"question1","Ranking":2,"0":"QuestionID = 2","1":"QuestionNumber = 1",'QuestionID':2}]"
"name":""page3",'elements':[{"type":"fathermotherwork","name":"question1","Ranking":3,"0":"QuestionID = 3","1":"QuestionNumber = 1",'QuestionID':3}]"
On 6/15/2020 2:23 PM, Andrew Telnov [surveyjs Support] wrote:
how to delete a first page dynamically with script
On 6/15/2020 2:23 PM, Andrew Telnov [surveyjs Support] wrote:
I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (T4424: How to delete a first page dynamically with script in SurveyJS Creator?). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.